

更新时间:2024-01-26 09:23:59 浏览:


(the first film) Palm Capital 1. At the beginning, there will be gangsters on the bridge asking you to take things. The first one will go to the river to get a pot, and the port of palm will get a shield. The city will find the first child to throw a treasure chest KEY to Gan's home to get the elven gang (the gang of wood), and the employment of gangsters behind the bridge in the south will end.


Stay at home in the town overnight and come to Palm Harbor (you can get the pub key once in the underground hotel and the fishing port, and you can get the information of Leike Mountain and port when you enter the hotel). Get up and go to the station to get on the bus. 1. Find a Mr. Jing's house in front of here and you can enter Lishan Mountain.

After solving the monster, you can get the "ferry pass" by getting on the small train. Palm City 1. After coming, the protagonist was rejected-the idea of going together (because of the agreement), and after returning home for one night, he left the New World with his mother. In the boat. 1. After the protagonist found a small animal with him on the boat,



After the halberd arrived on the deck, the original ship could see the new palm in the New World the next day. New Palm Street 1. I went to the Adventurers Association of New Palm Street before, and saw the president say a lot about not inviting the protagonist to join the club, and went out to Merrill Mountain Road to find Fiona.

She said, "In the underground passage of the church," and overnight, she finally heard the news of Mount Rangel. She said, "In the underground passage of the church, a man came over."

2. After coming to the Dom site in Langue Mountain, I saw the first injured Asian man, who was rescued. He was placed on the mountain and found poisonous wheat straw (red), and was arrested by Carlisle army.

At Carlisle military base 1. The first time I was locked up, I pretended to be fat and escaped, and I was arrested. The second time, a Luen helped me escape. Saved-after Finer, scrape the air conditioning pipe, go down to the warehouse first, and then go to the locker room. You can hear "right, left, right, left, bottom, up and down" to open the door.

2. After opening the iron gate for the Asian people, the "fruit of wisdom of ancient civilization" understood and fled. Instead of meeting Saki on the way (you can get the "master key of the military base-"after the battle), Nana and Mio will see the military train, and he will be found by the colonel in his seat and will be taken on the gunboat.


4. I heard it in the middle of the night. It turned out that Carlisle's army invaded and arrived at the top of the mountain after being killed one after another. I found that the god of light was taken away, but the protagonist's sumo wrestling failed ~ The elders thanked the protagonist for all the "facts of blocking the fog".


After entering the Valley of the Flying Dragons 3 and meeting the monk guide in, the protagonist mistakenly thought that Carter Yin had done something and then proposed a duel to Carter Yin, but Carter Yin was too strong and failed. After reconciliation, Carter Yin went first when there were relics in the south.


When you run to 2F, you can reach the platform of rain. There will be a gentle necking (four-headed dragon) and a halberd. After stepping on the halberd, there will be a test of the brave (Aryan of the brave, the mirror of choosing stars). After the tower collapses, you can go back to the village of Daite and plug in Aryan of the brave to reach the village of Yugambo in Lama Mountain.

2. Last year, when the village head's home attended the celebration the next day after receiving the invitation, the mountain designed by the village head flew to the fire, went to the top of the mountain to strike the dragon of fire (more than 2,000 drops), and after watching the fire-breathing picture, returned to Gambo Village to stay. In the evening, the protagonist will be with Fina (towards the lower left island,

) Meet with Qili Elves in the past . 3. When you get up in the morning, you can board the ship to the Twin Towers-the coast. When you enter the living room, you will be sucked into the magic circle when you confront the colonel. When you wake up, no one will run around and find yourself surrounded by monsters.

Finally, Amayi and his party came to the ground and suddenly thought of asking the elders in the village, "Where am I?" Amai said, "Where am I?"

Detective Hill 1 is in the detective hill (take the KEY to the left first, and then go to the right after reaching the top of the start). Take it to the village where the jade is crushed and go home to find Si-take Su-home (the detective hill goes straight up). When you go home to the village hotel to find Carter Yin, ask the protagonist to go to his home.


At the same time, Lean will expose the departure of the bare-winged man . After talking with the elders, the incident will end . Rennes Village 1. After seeing the elders every other morning, Lapp and his younger brother left and went to the desert fishing town of Rupadong. Tomorrow, I will go to the fishing village of Bulinan Plateau in Savannah, Yuan Ye, to see Mitan's husband, and then I will come to the western hut-Linjia Lake.











搜索引擎: 百度
搜索引擎: 搜狗
搜索引擎: 360
搜索引擎: 神马


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